Week 5 Update & Dancing Even When People Are Watching…

Posted on February 18, 2010


I thought I’d be more happy about entering the “solid food phase, ” but so far, I am unimpressed.  Here’s why — things are MORE complicated now.  In the other phases, I didn’t have to THINK about food.  I just had some prescribed mush and called it a day. Now, I can (and really should) cook a meal and I have to think about it.   But cooking for one person with an extremely small stomach pouch is a tricky situation.   I tried to combat the difficulties of cooking in such small portions by inviting people over for meals.  Then, I can cook all I want and just eat what I can.   I am pretty sure that this is a faulty plan…

What has been interesting though are people’s reactions to what I can and can’t eat.  One night, I made chili which I loved and ate very slowly.   And although I was enjoying it, I know I was nervous and since my face shows EVERY emotion, my friends just assumed I was having a miserable time eating it.  To be honest, I was a little miserable…miserable because it was a painfully slow process when sometimes, I wish I could just scarf it down like in the past.  I keep reminding myself that those days are over…forever.  I think when people see the portions I eat, they get confused or maybe uncomfortable.  I guess I would be too.

As for alcohol, I took a sip of a white wine and I think it was way too soon.  I plan on staying away from alcohol for a while.

My stomach does NOT like fried food right now.  I wonder will it ever?

Since today makes 5 official weeks, I thought I’d update you on my progress.  As of this morning, I am 247.4 lbs.  This means I am down a total of 75lbs from my biggest, and down 24 lbs since surgery.  I’m averaging a little over 4lbs a week…sometimes I will go a few days at the same weight and I get nervous.  I wonder if it stopped working…that my body has just given up on me.  But I just have to learn to be patient and work the plan.

I had some size 20 jeans that I hadn’t worn in years.  I didn’t want to try them on because I was certain I wasn’t there yet, but to my pleasant surprise…I got into them…I underestimate the progress I made everyday.  Doubt is powerful.

I went dancing last night for the first time since one week before surgery.  I was so nervous.  Not so much nervous that I would hurt myself but nervous like I’d forgotten how.  But I survived.  One of my friends was patient enough to do a trial run with me.  If it was a test, I failed, but I failed smiling; it felt good to be back on the dance floor.  A newer situation arose also — men were starting to ask me to dance.  I know that it seems really superficial, but it feels good to be asked to dance once in a while.  I used to Salsa dance a lot, but men aren’t very kind to big girls on the dance floor.  But now that I am a little smaller, men have been more apt to approach and ask…I look forward to a lot more dancing.

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